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The surprising connection between wisdom teeth and long-term health

Removing wisdom teeth as a teen or young adult is the best way to prevent the dental problems and/or dental procedures that can lead to heart disease. Early removal means getting the teeth out before they have had a chance to grow. These late-arriving molars don’t have deep roots and nerves.

Our third molars usually start to arrive around the time we graduate high school. As a person’s body moves into adulthood, all four teeth are likely to arrive. This happens from age 18 to 25. That’s why wisdom teeth removal is usually done early within this time frame.

When a person’s wisdom teeth push through the gums, they may grow at an angle, impacting other teeth. If a mouth is crowded, it becomes more crowded with more teeth. These back molars are the most likely to have food get stuck around them. It is harder for the toothbrush to reach and then bacteria mounts up.

It is that bacteria that drives cavities and gum disease. Furthermore, that bacteria can migrate elsewhere in the body, increasing the chances of physical disease.

Connecting the Dots Between Wisdom Teeth Removal and Better Physical Health

The American Dental Association has made many studies about how oral health affects our bodies. Since wisdom teeth are a prime candidate for bacteria, the area around them is a prime candidate for gum disease.

This unwanted inflammation can spread to the rest of your body. Scientists are still studying the cause and effect of this bacteria on the heart, noting that these germs may lead to an infection of the heart’s inner lining, endocarditis, or more broadly to cardiovascular disease.

Another concern is pneumonia. The same bacteria that occurs in the mouth can be directed into the lungs. This can lead to respiratory diseases.

An important tool for oral health, wisdom teeth removal is a smart move for teenagers. They will still have a responsibility to care for their mouth, but they will have a better outcome than those whose wisdom teeth grow in, crowding their other teeth and encouraging bacteria to grow.

For information about wisdom teeth removal, give us a call. A consultation with Dr. Hansen, our oral and maxillofacial surgeon, will tell you more.